
15 Minutes With Nina Ashby - Color Aura Spiritualist
Welcome to the Colour Timer podcast.
I am your host, Vincent Taylor.
This is the podcast where we speak to professionals
who work with colour.
Now so far, we've spoken to two colourists
for film and television.
That's not surprising, I'm a colourist.
So it's gonna be my bias.
I knew that was the
case, but the point of the podcast
is to speak to professionals who work with colour.
So today, we're stepping outside of that box.
We are speaking to Nina Ashby.
Nina is a communicator.
She is a healer, a psychic.
From a young age, she could see colour auras.
Do you know what that is?
I didn't know what it was,
but I found out about Nina because of her book,
"Color Therapy".
And look, this is a great conversation.
We're gonna stick to our 15 minute sand timer,
our colour timer, to keep it within that timeframe.
But this is a great conversation.
So I hope you enjoy it.
Let's go.
Take your seats because
the hourglass is about to turn.
We are entering the world of the micro podcast.
Explore the craft,
creativity, and science of professionals
who use colour to tell stories.
Welcome to "The Color Timer" with Vincent Taylor.
- Hi, welcome Nina.
Thanks for joining me.
- Oh, I'm so happy to be here.
Lovely to see you, Vincent,
and all those people out in podcast land.
- Podcast land, yeah.
Now you're in the UK at the moment.
I'm in LA, so there's a
little bit of a time difference,
but yeah, look, thanks for taking time out
to have a chat to me.
- Pleasure.
Now I've got a list of my questions here,
and I'm gonna start for
the one that kind of fascinates me.
Actually, they all fascinate me,
but this one that fascinates me the most.
So when you're a little kid,
we call it an aura, but as a little kid,
you discovered that you had the ability
to see people's auras,
and I'd love to talk to you about that.
- Okay, well, as a kid, as a three-year-old,
you don't know the names of things.
You just know your experiences.
So I recall standing on the stairs where we lived,
and I was at the top, like at the landing,
and my mom was down at the bottom,
and I remember seeing very clearly
or realizing what I was
seeing as colors all around her.
So she gave me a look like,
what are you talking about?
And quickly changed the subject,
and like, okay, come down
or go up or something like that.
But it was my first memory of realizing
that I saw the world differently from other people,
because from that previous to that moment,
I thought everybody saw colors.
But I got the very distinct message like,
are you making this up?
Or what's going on?
Like what people do with kids?
Oh, it's their imagination, that kind of thing.
- Yeah, and then as you got older
and there's something you continued to see.
- Well, what happened was that
I knew it was kind of forbidden to talk about.
It's not because you
make your parents uncomfortable
talking about things that they don't know about
and they can't answer and
are not particularly interested
in engaging in,
then one always finds
different ways to express things.
And I was obsessed with drawing,
I was obsessed with color.
And I remember my great aunt
for my fourth birthday or something.
She bought me like this 64 Crayola crayon set.
They still sell them.
I remember being like over them.
It's copper, it's grease.
It's violet.
I could put names to the color.
That I was seeing. Because wasn't talking
about seeing it.
I was just excited about color.
And that started me off
doing a lot more drawing, doing a lot more
painting, and I eventually trained to be an artist.
So the thing is that there were no words
to describe what it was I was seeing. Remember?
Well, I'll just reveal my
age. I said I was born in the 1950s, so
nobody was talking about these things then.
The only thing they had in the newspapers was the
astrology column. That was it, you know, the
stars for the day, horoscope. And so it wasn't until I
went to university in the 60s that - it was
the psychedelic era, I was still seeing colors,
but I still had no name for anything that
I was seeing. But I did start to do meditation,
and I did a form of meditation where I
was developing my third eye, staring at a candle.
And I had started yoga when I was in
high school, but it was Hatha yoga. It was all
physical yoga. It wasn't meditation or
spiritual or anything like that in that presentation.
So I always had this interest in things that
were fringe, things that were different. And when I
went venturing in university, I started
doing some esoteric studies. And kind of one thing led
to another, and I was very interested in
energy healing, particularly because I was feeling energy,
I was seeing energy, I didn't have a word
for it like 'psychic' or 'auora' or anything like that,
I just saw the world in color, and saw it as a
vibrant and moving cloud around every living thing.
And, and so, eventually, in the
early 70s, I was living in New York City. And
I came across a course given by Christopher
Hill, Dr. Christopher Hill, who was a Californian who,
you know, had this organization
that taught people about auras and energy and
radionics and radioesthesia, and energy
transmission. And I got into all of this stuff in the seven,
in the early 70s, about 1973. And I started
training as, you know, and exploring doing energy
healing. So that's what I was my first
sort of, I was a professional artist by that time,
professional sculptor. And, and, but I
also did this energy thing. And I was obsessed
with studying. I studied astrology, I
studied palmistry, I studied, I studied every kind of
ology in the divination field you could
think of, because I, I was driven by this inner need to
begin to define and connect to what I was
already connected to, but give it words, give it some kind
of shape, give it some kind of structure.
I'm a Capricorn, I like structure, what can I say?
So, so I was immersed in this esoteric
world. And I kind of answered your second question.
Yeah, no, no, no, I'm just, I'm just, I'm
kind of going along with this journey. It's wonderful.
And, and then, I mean, when, you know, now
we, we, speaking of using words, we call that an aura.
I mean, what, what is an aura?
What is that? And why do they exist?
Well, our aura is the, our total aura is
our energy field. And our energy field, like the
atmosphere of the earth, has lots of different
layers. And each of those layers stores information
at a different vibrational frequency. And
this all enlivened, our aura actually enlivens our body
and makes our biological organism
through our neurology and through our hormone system
operate. And our aura is the
intermediary, if you will, between our
physical body, our biological organism, and
our spiritual body, our soul, and everything in between
our soul, our highest being, level being in
this incarnation, it connected to this incarnation,
and our incarnated body, is our aura.
And that stores our intelligence, our experiences,
it stores it as color energy, it stores
it as mental coding, it, it has a, a back file,
it has a current file, and information
gets transferred between all of these layers of our
being. And that's what our consciousness and our subconscious or unconscious mind
is composed of. So our, what I was seeing
and experiencing as a child on a visual level was
the, what I call your personality aura. It's
the one that's closest to, say, our energy bubble
that surrounds us. And that stores information as color.
Color relates to our emotional body, our
emotions. I'm in red, I have a red, red rage, I'm in a brown
study, I'm feeling blue, I'm feeling black and
dark, you know, and so we use color in our language
to express our feelings and our emotional
states. Absolutely. It's an emotional context for all
visual backgrounds. And it was very, very
interesting to study in people's dreams and people's
visions and people's daydreams or how when
they get receive information, you can interpret the
information based on the color of the
background, the type of background, the, and I've used that a
lot in teaching or training people to access
and learn how to interpret what they get on a visual
level. But that visual level, that emotional
level also connects to everything else. It connects
feeling, connects to thought, feeling connects
to sensation. So everything is one, but in order to
understand things, we have to break it down
into component pieces. And then we have to put it back
together again. And that's where people fail.
It's putting it back together again. I was chatting to
a guest just this week, and she was saying
that she has a form or a version of syn-- I can never
say the word-- synesthesia, where she can
kind of taste certain colors. And it's interesting what
you're saying about how all of this stuff is
kind of linked.
- It's not kind of linked. It is linked.
It is linked. It's always linked. Everything
is, we are one. It's an illusion that we're separate.
At some level, we are all one. But because we
are dualistic creatures, we live in a world of where
we are a projection of our soul into a
physical form with limitations based on our physical life.
Then we perceive ourselves as being a unit,
an organism that's separate from other organisms.
We're all swimming in the same sea.
- My challenge when we start talking about this is my brain
goes off into 50 zillion different
questions. I'm going, "No, no, I've only got--" I realized
that after we started, I went, "Oh, I
forgot to turn my color timer over," which I started.
So I'm going to be disciplined. I'm going
to try and-- I can see the color timer going down.
I'm going, "All right, what am I going
to ask?" I discovered you because of your book,
simply 'Color Therapy'. You've touched
on it already, but what is Color Therapy?
Well, any kind of therapy, the goal is
to create a new consciousness or self-awareness.
And it's also about learning how to manage
your life better, actually, whether that be mental
therapy, physical therapy, or color
therapy. So this is about the application, the conscious
application of color to affect change upon
your being. So I'm saying your being because that can be
within your energy field, literally. So you
can go to a color therapist and they can project
colored lights onto you. You can use crystals.
You can do distance healing using color projection.
In other words, I focus on a color and I send
it to you. I send it to certain chakras or to your
higher self or whatever. And then that
color impacts on a certain layer of your energy field,
and then it trickles down into affecting
your state of being physically, emotionally, mentally,
perhaps spiritually. But color, conscious use
of color in therapy is also a conscious use of color.
So dress to impress. You wouldn't go
to a very conservative meeting wearing very,
like bright yellow clothes, or you wouldn't go
to Brooks Brothers wearing a salesman's check suit.
But if you really want to be hot, you wear
the red dress with the big cleavage for a woman.
The point is that color has
information and that information is picked up
at every level of your being, whether it's
conscious or not. You are creating an impression.
You can also use color in your environment.
So for example, I used to go, you know, people used
to consult me and I used to say, okay, the
kid has hyperactivity. What colors is bedroom? Oh,
it's based on red. I said, well, I
think that we may need to do some changes there.
So the point is, I mean, that's something
that's very obvious to somebody who knows that red is a
hyperstimulating color. And then they
wouldn't think about it. But like, yeah, kids love red.
It's primary. It's, you know, but not good
for going to sleep or being calm. So color affects
us. Every color has a certain quality energetically that we know about. And people say, oh, I can't
figure that out. But everybody knows what
color is. Look at, you ask a kid, you know, what's sunny?
It's yellow. You know, they make the sun
yellow. They make the grass and the trees green. That means
something. So we all have, and we have a
catalog of correspondences, and if you will, or an
accumulation of information through our
own experience about what those colors mean to us.
Somebody may have an aversion to a
particular color because it's associated with some traumatic
event, for example. But colors are not bad
or good. They're just a manifestation of an energy.
Do, I noticed that my little color timers run
out. And of course I have a zillion other questions,
but there's one that's at the
forefront of my brain that I've just got to ask.
Do in relation to auras, do animals have auras?
- Of course they do. Animals have consciousness.
I wondered about that. And then the
other one I'll just squeeze in lastly is,
do you need to be with somebody to see an
aura or can you do it remotely? You can see it.
No, I can do it remotely. Everything
is energy in my world. I mean, electronic.
Electronics don't seem to interfere with my ability to see people's aura colors.
Or get their vibration. I mean, I've been a professional reader now for over 40 years.
And I've done every single kind of reading that you can imagine in terms of how you do it.
So when I was trained in the 70s - or the late 70s early 80s to do psychic readings, specifically
My teacher would hand us a piece of paper with a name scribbled on it, folded up and hand it to us and say,
"Tell me about that person."
And I'd get all this information and I'd tell them ... Yeah, you're right...
- Wow, it's I am I'm gonna be a bit I'm gonna be a
bit naughty because I told myself I would you know
Once the color timer stops, I'll stop the interview and
but I can't because I've
got I've just got one more question
I really want to ask you
With auras and with color
Does it change over time?
Does someone's aura if it's this certain
color scheme or
whatever does that change or it does?
okay, so
Auras are an expression of who you are. Have you changed? Yes, and no
Right. Yeah, so our auras are
have different
Expressive phenomena so or different
Wavelengths that it expressed so for example
There's something that I call your
dominant energy color and that is an expression of your
life path your soul mission and
your past lives and why you're here and
and it gives a lot of information and that will
Correspond, you know
In my book Simply Color Therapy
There's a whole chapter on dominant energy
colors and their spiritual meaning for this lifetime
What your mission statement is what your
past lives, you know flavors were that kind of thing
But and so that acts as a
filter for all the rest of the colors
That are always in your aura and those
colors change according to the life cycle that you're in
Yeah, they become and they
and they also so they can be cyclic
But they can also be moment to moment
Shifting and changing as your
emotions and thoughts and feelings and information
Scanning is taking
place. So there's lots of different
It's like a cloud of
moving energy just like you're a
constantly changing and yet
Not unchanged, you know
There's a core to who you are and a
substance to who you are that is reflected in your aura. I
Just and and and again a
Whole of more questions I've got but I'm gonna
I'm gonna behave. Okay, just one more just one more
In a mirror, can you see your own aura?
Yes, you can't yeah like that. I can see
it in a mirror. Yeah. Yeah, that's amazing Nina
Thank you so much. I'm fascinated. I'm absolutely
fascinated and I'm a I'm
a colorist for film and TV and
People, you know when I'm working on their
projects that they always communicate color through emotion
No one ever says I want it
Well, sometimes I do but they don't
normally say I want it to be more red or more green
They always go. Oh, it needs to
be sadder or it needs to be you know
And it's and and that's why I thought yeah
I've really got to chat to you because that's that
communication about color
is exactly your wheelhouse. But um
Thank you so much for
taking time. I'm really really grateful
If anybody wants to have a color reading
An aura picture they should go to my website and book it.
- Absolutely
I see people all over the world
Or buy the books, they're available on Amazon
- Nina thank you, take care.
- My pleasure. God bless. Take care, too.
Nina thank you so much. That was amazing.
What a great conversation. I had so many questions
So good for me and hopefully for you
We're stepping outside of the world
of just film and television color. All right
I said it at the beginning. There's gonna
be a bias toward that because of my background
But this podcast is about
color professionals who work with
color. So yeah, that was
really really great. So, thank you Nina
Thank you to MixingLight.com who are my executive producer.
my friend of the show, Filmlight.co.uk.
Kayla my producer and thank you. Thank you for
listening. I appreciate all
the feedback the comments. I'm getting
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''The Color Timer', a micro podcast experience